Dont think code it

2011-8-10 Embeding Lua in C

Bedimming lua in you C programs is can be done in few minutes.
Many examples is in

First thing to write is module and then compile everything with lua precompiled lib.

int module_register(lua_State*);
void module_print(lua_State*);
int module_getone(lua_State*);

int module_gc(lua_State*);
int module_tostring(lua_State*);

static const luaL_reg module_methods[] =
	//{,(void *)},
	{"print",	(void *)module_print},
	{"getone",	(void *)module_getone},
	{0,			0}

static const luaL_reg module_meta[] = 
	{"__gc",		(void *)module_gc},
	{"__tostring",	(void *)module_tostring},
	{0, 0}

to make printf("%s\n") available in lua

void module_print( lua_State *L)
	int argc = lua_gettop(L);
	int n;
	for (n=1; n <= argc; n++) printf("%s\n", lua_tostring(L, n));

next one function that have return value 1

int module_getone(lua_State *L)
	int x=1;
	lua_pushnumber(L, x);
	return 1;

and easy to compile if needed.

gcc -c module.c
gcc module.o main.c -o main -llua


